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Work at a place where your skills, calling, and talents meet to help others advance in their journey with Christ, joining a community where God is moving powerfully.

Careers at Battlecreek

Certified Best Christian Workplace

BattleCreek Church has been recognized as a “Certified Best Christian Workplace” for three years in a row.

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Team values

BattleCreek Staff Values


We prioritize our spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being, bringing our best selves to family, our calling, and work, stewarding all that God has entrusted to us.


We honor others by being authentic, believing the best in our interactions, and courageously engaging in hard conversations when necessary.


We are all in, taking initiative to see tasks through with dedication and stepping up to address needs, regardless of whether they fall within our specific job descriptions.


We are fully committed to the collaborative effort of individuals towards shared goals, characterized by effective communication, respect, and diverse perspectives.


We foster enjoyment, celebration, and joy in our work, coming together to make the most of every moment.

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