Family Advent Devotional

Join us this Christmas season as we walk through our BattleCreek Advent Devotional. The word advent means the arrival or coming of a notable person, thing, or event. During advent, we are celebrating the coming of Christ! We rejoice in all He has done and will do! This devotional is designed to help you intentionally walk through scripture, pointing to Christ’s coming, throughout the Christmas season.

December 1

Scripture:  John 1:1-13

Devo:  Do you have Christmas lights on your tree or up on your house?  How do you feel when you see those lights brightening up the room or the street?  They seem to wipe away the darkness and bring excitement everywhere we look, don’t they?  Do you feel excited and full of hope when you see them?  This is the same feeling we can imagine was felt when God’s people heard of Jesus coming into the world!

God sent John to tell about the coming of Jesus.  He wanted us to know that the one who would supply hope and be the light of the world was coming!  During that time, the world did not recognize God, and some had even rejected Him.  Because of this, God sent His Son to be this light and to bring hope to all the world.  When we believe in Jesus and make Him the Lord of our life, we no longer live in darkness.


God said that all who receive Him and believe in His name, would be given the right to become the children of God.  Because God brought this light, through His Son Jesus Christ, our darkness can be brought into the light and we can have hope in a future with Him.  As followers of Jesus, we celebrate the birth of our savior and the light that He brings.

 When you look at your own life and heart, would you say that God is at the center of your life?  How does knowing that Jesus is the light of the world, who came to save us from our sins, make you feel?

Prayer:  Lord, we thank you for sending your Son to be the light of the world.  We thank you for sending Him to save us from our sins, so that we may have eternal life.  Please open our eyes and help us to evaluate where in our lives we are not putting you first.  Help us to walk with you daily.  Amen.

December 2

Scripture:  Isaiah 9:2-7

Devo:  Yesterday, we discussed the coming of Jesus and how God sent John to tell about this coming.  We talked about how Jesus is the light of the world and came to save us from our sins. 

Today, in Isaiah we learn that people who walk in darkness will see a great light.  Have you ever walked in the darkness?  Maybe you’ve walked down a dark street without any lights or even tried to navigate through a dark room searching for the light switch.  Sometimes, when we cannot see, it is a little scary and we do not know where to go, but the Bible says we do not have to be afraid.  It says we can walk in freedom because of Jesus.

God says we will have hope, because through Jesus we will find freedom and heavy burdens will be lifted from our shoulders.  Verse 6 says Christ “will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”  We are promised a peace that will never end.  The coming of Jesus brings hope, light, and peace. As we walk through our daily lives, we can hold onto the hope and peace that comes with knowing who we are in Christ and that we have been freed from sin because of His Son, Jesus. 

Discussion:  How has God shown His light in your life?  How does this give you hope for the future?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for giving us hope.  Thank you for providing the peace that comes with knowing you and walking with you every day.  Please be with our friends who do not know you yet and help them to grow to know you and give their lives to you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

December 3

Scripture:  Isaiah 11:1-9

Devo:  Have you ever made a family tree or wondered about your ancestors?  These days, this does not seem important and we rarely give it much thought, but, in the days of Jesus’ birth, where you came from was a big deal. 

In this passage, Isaiah speaks of the lineage of Christ.  The lineage of Jesus mentioned here is through the line of Joseph.  Isaiah tells us that Christ came from the direct bloodline of David.  In 2 Samuel 7:12-14 it is prophesied that the Messiah will be a descendant of David and Jesus’ birth is a fulfillment of that promise.

Isaiah tells us that the coming of Jesus will bring the hope of salvation and peace to the world.  We are called to have faith and live with hope.  We are called to rest in this hope and live a faithful life, so that we might live with the peace that came when Christ entered the world.  We can live with the hope that is found in knowing that our future belongs to the Lord. 

Discussion:  How have you experienced hope in the Lord?  What do we know to be true about our salvation that gives us hope for the future?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for who you are.  Thank you for bringing peace and hope to the world through your Son.  Help us to hold on to hope, even during trials.  Help us to put our trust in you.  Amen.

December 4

Scripture:  Isaiah 11:10-16

Devo:  Jesus came out of the line of Jesse who was David’s Father and brought people of all nations together.  Because of Jesus, we all, no matter where we came from, can receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  We all can have a future in Heaven for all of eternity. 

Do you know someone who does not celebrate Christmas or those who still celebrate, but not for the same reason you do?  For some, they celebrate Christmas because it is a fun holiday, but do not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  Some do not celebrate Christmas at all because they do not have the same beliefs we do and come from a completely different culture. 

However, we can all celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  No matter how you grew up or where you came from.  It is one of the most amazingly gracious things about our Heavenly Father!  None of us are exempt of the opportunity to know Him and to receive Him.  We are not born into it; we have a choice.  We get to choose to follow Him and live our lives fully for the Lord. 

Discussion:  How does knowing that anyone can celebrate the birth of Christ make this season more joyful?  How does knowing that we ALL can receive Him as our Lord and Savior give you comfort and peace this season?

Prayer:  Lord thank you for the free gift to us given through your Son, Jesus.  Thank you for the peace and comfort we have because of what you have done for us.  Help us to take comfort in You this season.  Amen.

December 5

Scripture:  Isaiah 39:5-Isaiah 40:11

Devo: Isaiah tells us of the coming of the Lord and how He will come in a mighty and powerful way. He also tells of the comfort the Lord will bring, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Isaiah 40:11 says, “He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart.” This brings us the assurance that the Lord will care for and comfort us in all situations, just as the shepherd cares for his flock. The Lord will hold us close to his heart. What a wonderful comfort and assurance we have in the coming of Jesus!

Discussion:  What is a circumstance, or time, that was difficult, but you were able to feel the Lord’s comfort?  Has there been a time where you felt a peace and comfort that you did not understand? Can you look back and know it was from the Lord?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for taking care of us. Thank you for being with us in both good and challenging times. Help us to always look to you as our source of comfort and care. Amen.

December 6

Scripture:  Isaiah 52:7- 53:6

Devo:  When you look at all the presents under the tree, which ones stand out to you the most?  Which ones do you go for first?  Do you reach for the most exciting gifts first and pick the small, seemingly insignificant ones last or even toss aside and reject them altogether?  I am sure at one point or another we have all done that.

When Isaiah spoke of the coming of Jesus, he shared the good news of peace and salvation that was coming.  He described how the Lord had comforted His people and demonstrated His power.  He also reminds us that the Lord will go ahead of us and protect us.  He did all of this even though Jesus was despised and rejected. 

We have all strayed away and left God’s path to follow our own, yet Jesus willingly took on all of our sins, and died on the cross, so that we might be forgiven and live eternally with him. What wonderful news of peace and salvation! We can rest in the gift of salvation the Lord has given us.  There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation, but it is the free gift of God to us. He bore all our sins on the cross because He loves us that much!


Discussion:  As we walk through this advent season, how will you respond?  Will you thank Him for His sacrifice to take on our sins, so that we might live in freedom or will you reject his ways and choose to follow your own path? Today, if you have not already, consider giving your life to the Lord and surrender your own ways for His.  If you have already taken this step, let us not forget each day to thank God for the birth of Jesus and for the salvation we get to have because of His sacrifice and live each day following His ways and not our own.

Prayer:  Lord, I know I am a sinner, but today I ask you to forgive me for all my sin. Jesus, come into my life to be my Lord, my Savior, and my Forgiver. In the best way I know how, I give my life to you. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

December 7

Scripture:  Isaiah 61:1-7

Devo:  Think back on one of your most joyful moments.  What was happening?   What made that occasion so special?  Christmas time is also one of those times where we can have great joy.  No matter what this season looks like for you or what you are going through personally, we have one thing that we can be joyful about. 

We can rejoice because as followers of Jesus, we are no longer bound to sin.  Because of the gift of His Son, we are now made righteous in the eyes of the Lord and our sins have been forgiven.  God now sees us as if we have never sinned at all.  What a reason to celebrate! 

Isaiah 61 verse 7 says that instead of shame, honor and everlasting joy will be ours!  Think about it, everlasting joy.  Our minds cannot fathom what a life of everlasting joy actually looks like.  However, if we will hold onto the joy and we will keep our eyes on the One who came to earth to be our Savior, we too can walk with this everlasting joy! 

Today, let us walk with joy because of the coming of Christ.  Not only today and at Christmas time, but every day, all year long, we can be people filled with joy because of what Christ did for us.

Discussion:  How are you walking in joy during this season?  What can you do today, and throughout the year, to live with the joy that comes, not from our circumstances, but because of what Christ has done for us?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for your Son and all you have done for us.  Thank you for giving us a reason to rejoice and be filled with joy.  Help us to walk in this joy throughout the season.  We love you and pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

December 8

Scripture:  Galatians 4:4-7

Devo:  When someone dies, if they have no will, all their belongings and the rights to everything they own, goes to their heirs, typically a son or daughter.  In Galatians 4:7, the Bible says we are God’s heirs.  We are heirs to the throne of God! 

God sent His Son for us and adopted us as His very own children.  Because Jesus paid the ultimate price, an inheritance belongs to us that can never go away.  God loves us so much that He made us His children!  He loves us so much that He not only allows, but invites us to run to Him and call him Father. 

No matter what we are going through or what we have done, we have a Heavenly Father who receives us with open arms. How amazing is that?  We often forget what a big deal this is.  Because of Jesus being born a man who lived a sinless life, then died on the cross and took on all our sins, we can be free and live forever with God.  Through this and His great love for us, we can approach God anytime we want.  We can run to him when we are happy, sad, scared, or even lonely.  He is there with open arms!

Discussion:  When is the last time you ran to God?  When you pray, do you think of Him as your Father, who loves you no matter what?  Do you picture Him with open arms?  Today, I challenge you, when you pray, to try to think of Him greeting you with open arms as the Father He is, who loves you dearly.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you so much for allowing us to have a personal relationship with You.  Thank you for being our Father who loves us more than we can imagine.  Help us to always approach you as the loving Father you are.  Amen.

December 9


Scripture:  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Devo:  For those of us who are believers, the Bible says when the Lord returns, we will be with Him forever.  Have you ever really thought about how long forever is?  Forever never ends!  It means, one day we will be with Jesus and that it will never end.  Because of this truth, we do not grieve like others do when someone dies.  This truth provides us comfort when we are grieving the loss of someone we love.  While it does not take the pain or loss away, it does provide us with hope for the future.

The Bible also reminds us to encourage each other with this truth.  We can comfort and help those who are mourning by letting them know of this good news.  We know that this life here on earth is not the end and that one day the Lord will return and all who believe in Him will have eternal life.  This gives us hope and reminds us of why we celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. 

He is our hope, our comfort, and our salvation, so we can look forward to the future where we will one day meet Him face to face.

Discussion:  How does knowing we will spend eternity with Jesus, give you hope?  How can you encourage and share this hope with others? 

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for the hope you bring.  Thank you for loving us so much that you gave us a way to live forever with you.  We love you and praise you.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

December 10

Scripture:  1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Devo:  Yesterday, we were reminded to encourage one another with the truth that one day, we will live with Jesus for all eternity.  We were told not to grieve as others do and to take comfort in knowing that we have a savior who will remain forever. 

Today, we are instructed to stay alert and clearheaded as the day of the Lord’s return is drawing near.  We do not know the day or time or how long it will be, but we do know that we do not have to be afraid, because we know who holds the future.  We are to live in the light and put on the armor of faith and love. 

God chose to save us by sending His Son to die for us.  The Bible says that Christ died for us so that, no matter whether we are still alive on earth or if our earthly bodies have died, when the Lord returns, we get to live with Him forever.

Until this day comes, we are to encourage and build each other up.  We are to live with faith and love while we wait for the Lord’s return.

Discussion:  What are some ways we can live with faith and love?  What are some ways you can encourage each other and build each other up?  Who could you encourage today?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you that because of Your Son, we can be free from condemnation.  Thank you for saving us from what we deserve and giving us eternal life instead.  Help us to remember this every day.  Amen.

December 11

Scripture:  John 3:16-17

Devo:  As you read the passage, this is likely a familiar verse.  One of the first things we learn in church, from the time we are young is how much God loves us.  God loves us so much!  Everything else we learn about Him is evidence of this.

Think about your family and loved ones and how much they love you.  They only wish the best for you and want to provide not only all your needs, but many of your wants as well.  If this is true, then imagine how much more your Father in Heaven loves you and wants the best for you.  He gave His son out of His abundant love for us!  That is why we celebrate!

When God sent His son into the world, he did not do this to condemn the world or to tell us how bad we are.  He knew that we are all sinners and He so desired for us to be free from our sin.  He sent His Son to save the world. 

We each have the opportunity to accept Jesus as our Lord and savior or to reject Him.  However, for those who believe and choose to receive Jesus as the Lord of our life, we will not perish, but have eternal life.  What love the Lord has for us!

Discussion:  As we think about how much the Lord loves us and the sacrifice He made through Jesus Christ, His one and only Son, how can we pour out this love on others?  How can we be people who live in such a way that we are known for how well we love others?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for loving us so much that you gave your only Son for us.  Thank you for giving us the free gift of salvation.  This Christmas help us to share this truth with others.  We love you so much.  In your Holy name, Amen.

December 12


Scripture:  Colossians 1:15-20

Devo:  God created everything.  He made what we can see and what we cannot see.  What are some of God’s creations that we cannot see with our eyes?  Think about the air.  We cannot see that, but we know it is there and we know that God created it.  Everything was created through Him and for Him. 

Just like there are things in this world that God created that we cannot see, we also cannot see God.  Colossians 1 tells us that Jesus, “is the visible image of the invisible God.”  We cannot see God, but His Son is a representation to help us have some understanding of what God is like. 

As Paul writes, we learn that Christ has supremacy over everything.  This means that there is nothing and no one who has a higher authority than Him.  He has power that no one else has, including the power to save us from our sins.  He has the power to save us from our sins and is worthy of our worship.

Discussion:  What are some ways you can worship today?  How can you help those around you, who do not yet believe, understand that while we cannot see God, we know that He created everything and that we should worship Him in all things?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for all of creation.  Thank you for creating those things that we can see as well as what we cannot see.  Please help us to remember that You created everything and to thank you for this each day.  Amen.

December 13

Scripture:  2 Peter 3:3-13

Devo:  In this passage, Peter is addressing those who do not believe that Jesus is coming back.  Nothing had changed, so they were giving up on the hope of Christ’s return and started living in sin.  They were growing impatient, but he reminds us that God is in control.  He has not forgotten.  The day and time of His return has already been appointed. 

Like these people, can you think of a time where you grew so impatient about something you were expecting, that you decided it was never going to happen.  God’s timing is not the same as ours.  His timing is perfect, but sometimes when He does not seem to respond fast enough in our eyes, we give up and lose hope.  But God does not forget.  He keeps His promises, and His timing is the only way.  God’s timing is far better than ours. 

No matter how long it takes, we must wait patiently for the Lord’s return and live in preparation.  We should live expectantly and live holy and godly lives.  We should look forward to the day of Christ’s return just as He has promised. 

God has given us everything we need to live a godly life along with His promises.  Because of this, we are to make every effort to respond to God’s promises by having Christ like character, self-control, patient endurance, godliness, and love for everyone.  The Bible says that the more you do this, the more you will be like Jesus. 

Discussion:  As we wait expectantly for Christ’s return and strive to live out godliness with our lives, think about what that looks like.  What are some ways you can live with Christ like character?  How can we demonstrate self-control, patient endurance, godliness, and love for everyone?

Prayer:  Lord thank you for your perfect timing.  Thank you for giving us everything we need.  Help us to be patient and live out godliness each day.  We love you.  Amen.

December 14

Scripture:  Mark 14:60-65

Devo:  The high priest was essentially asking Jesus who He was.  He was prompting him to answer the question, “who are you?”  Jesus responded with the truth, that He was Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  You may wonder what was so wrong with this.  After all, aren’t we supposed to tell the truth? 

Jesus did not do anything wrong.  Jesus was in fact telling the truth, but those around Him did not believe Him.  In their eyes, this was blasphemy.  Blasphemy is the act of disrespecting or not showing reverence for God.  They charged Him with pretending He was someone He wasn’t.  They crucified Him for saying that He was the Son of God.  The punishment for this offense was death. 

Have you ever been accused of lying when you weren’t?  It feels awful doesn’t it?  Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt as they spat on him and beat him and worse?  He knew what His future held.  He knew before He ever spoke a word in that moment, that this was what had to be done.  He knew he would be beaten and hung on a cross.  He knew He would feel unbearable pain.  And He did it all for you and for me and for everyone on this earth. 

Discussion:  How can we make sure we keep what Jesus did for us at the forefront of our minds this Christmas?  How might it change the way we celebrate?  This year, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, let us remember the sacrifice He made on our behalf.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for your Son and that even when He knew what would happen, that He still told the truth and stood firm.  Thank you for Your perfect ways and for loving us though we are not perfect.  Help us to remember all throughout the season how much you love us.  Amen.

December 15

Scripture:  Jeremiah 33:14-17

Devo:  The Bible says that the day will come when He will fulfill all His promises.  Have you ever broken a promise to someone or has anyone broken a promise to you?  We, as humans, have all broken promises and have all been on the receiving end of a promise unkept.  This is simply because we are human beings.  We are not perfect people, and we will make mistakes and let others down sometimes, but this is not the case with God.

God always keeps his promises.  Sometimes what he has promised takes a long time to come to fruition.   Sometimes we wait and wait and wonder if He has forgotten, but He has not.  He has a plan and a purpose and knows exactly what He is doing.  If He makes a promise, He will keep it. 

How comforting is it to know that no matter what, there is One who will never let you down?  Whatever is written in His Word is true and whatever He has promised will happen one day.  As we celebrate this Christmas, let us take joy in knowing we have a loving Father who keeps His promises.

Discussion:  What can you do to remind yourself each day to take comfort in the promises of God?  How does this knowledge give you peace?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for your promises.  Thank you for the peace we have in knowing you are trustworthy and will do what Your Word says.  You are amazing and we love You.  Amen.

December 16

Scripture:  Micah 5:2-5

Devo:  In this passage, Micah describes the coming Savior as our Ruler and Prince of Peace. What does this mean in a world that seems far from peaceful?

Let us start with understanding what peace is.  How would you describe the term peace?  What does peace mean to you?  One definition of peace is freedom from disturbance.  In our world today, there are many things that cause us to worry and too many excuses for not having peace, but God brought Jesus into the world to be the Prince of Peace.

One day, when Christ returns, there will be peace on earth.  When we celebrate Jesus, we celebrate the peace that was promised.  This is promised to those who believe and will come when Christ returns.  We will live together as believers with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

As we near closer to Christmas day, remember that just like Jesus brings peace to us through His son, we should live peacefully with others.  God wants us to not only have peace in our heart, knowing who the One true God is and knowing that we have eternal life, but He also wants us to be at peace with each other.  He desires for us to honor one another and speak kindly to each other.

This Christmas think of some ways you can start living in peace with your family, your friends, and even with those people you do not necessarily always get along with. 

Discussion:  What does it mean that Jesus is our peace?  What does it mean to live in peace with others?  What area of your life needs peace?  Pray for that today.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you so much for the peace You bring.  Help us to remember to come to you when we are not peaceful and to ask you for help.  Amen.

December 17

Scripture:  Ezekiel 34:11-31

Devo:  Ezekiel calls God the Good Shepherd.  A shepherd is someone who tends to and cares for sheep.  When a sheep is lost, they search for it.  A good shepherd makes sure every sheep in the flock is accounted for, that none have wandered away, and that each one is well taken care of. 

Now, if that is what a shepherd does for His sheep, imagine how much more God takes care of us.  We are His flock.  He tends to each one of us individually and takes care of exactly what we need.  Just like a shepherd knows the specific needs of each one of his sheep, God knows every specific need, want, hurt, and desire of our heart.  He knows better than even we do, how to take the best care of us!

Just like a shepherd brings a wandering sheep back, so God does with us.  When we go too far and start to stray away, he brings us back close to Him. 

Discussion:  How has the Lord shown that He is the shepherd over your life?  How has He brought you back to Him when you have strayed away?  How does it make you feel knowing that God is our shepherd and takes care of each of us?

Prayer:  Thank You, Lord for being our shepherd.  Thank You for protecting us and meeting each one of us where we are.  Thank you for knowing us by name and chasing after us when we stray.  We love you and are so thankful for You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

December 18

Scripture:  Zechariah 8:1-8

Devo:  Zechariah was sent to deliver a message to the people of Jerusalem.  They were sinning and had been punished and God sent messengers to tell them to return to Him and stop sinning.  He not only saved them and took care of their physical needs but was taking care of their spiritual needs through Jesus Christ.

Zechariah spoke of the coming Messiah.  They could have hope in the Savior that was to come.  Have you ever been full of hope about something that you wanted to happen or knew was going to happen?  We can all live everyday with hope.  We can live with expectation of the fulfilled promises of God. 

This Christmas let us live with hope and confident expectation that God will fulfill all His promises and thank Him for those promises He has already fulfilled.  Thank Him for the birth of Jesus and for the gift of salvation He brings. 

Discussion:  What is one hope you are holding onto this Christmas?  How can you spend this season in confident expectation of His promises?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for being faithful to fulfill all Your promises.  Thank you for your Son and for the undeserved gift of salvation.  Thank you for loving us that much.  We love you.  Amen.

December 19

Scripture:  Zephaniah 3:14-17

Devo:  Zephaniah 3:14-17 is a message of encouragement and an invitation to rejoice.  As we continue through advent, we can rejoice as did the people of Judah in this passage.  As a reminder, advent means the arrival or coming of a notable person, thing, or event.  During advent, we are celebrating the coming of Christ.  We rejoice in Him because of all He has done for us.

In this passage, they are told to rejoice with gladness.  Can you think of the last time you rejoiced?  What was it about? 

When we are filled with joy, we show it through our actions and words.  We are often filled with joy when we see loved ones accomplish something, they have worked so hard at and we rejoice with them and for them, much like the Lord does for us.  Maybe you have achieved something you really cared about or had a special moment with friends or family that filled you with joy.  You probably clapped, cheered, or celebrated.  That is rejoicing!

Discussion:  What is something God has done for you that caused you to rejoice?  How can we remember to rejoice every day just for who God is and thank Him?

Prayer:  Lord, thank You for the joy we find in Jesus.  Thank you that because of what you did for us we can have joy.  Help us to rejoice every day.  We love you.  Amen.

December 20

Scripture:  Isaiah 7:9-17

Devo:  Aside from God, who do you trust most in your life?  Maybe it is a spouse, parent, sibling or friend.  Has that person ever let you down?  Of course, they have, but you still trust them, right?  If we can put trust in the people who love us the most, who are imperfect and will mess up from time to time, then how much more can we put our faith and trust in God?

God is perfect and all His ways are loving and just.  He does not lead us astray or break His promises.  He is faithful to the end.  He has always been and will always be trustworthy.  We can trust Him with everything.

Isaiah 7:9 says, “If you do not stand firm in faith, you shall not stand at all.”  Isaiah is expressing the need to trust God and the danger of not putting your trust in Him.  No matter who else we trust in life, we must put our trust in God.  We must put Him first and put all our trust in Him no matter what. 

Discussion:  What areas of your life would be different if you began and ended each day with the firm belief that God is with you?  How can you put each day fully in His hands with all your faith and trust?  He IS trustworthy and He IS faithful…always.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you that you are a loving God whom we can trust.  Thank you for never letting us down and for taking care of all our needs.  Help us to remember this when we forget.  Amen.

December 21

Scripture:  Matthew 1:1-17

Devo:  As you can see through the genealogy of Christ, God had a plan long before Jesus came to this earth.  He knew throughout all the generations before Him, what was to come.  Before Jesus was ever spoken about, God knew that one day, He would bring us a Savior that would be different than any other human. 

While Jesus was born a baby in Bethlehem, to human parents, Mary, and Joseph, He was unlike any other person who has ever or will ever walk on this earth.  He is both fully a human and fully God.  He was born to live a perfect life and save us from our sins. 

Discussion:  God had promised the world that there would be a coming Messiah and he held true to that promise. In what way would your behavior change if you kept all His promises at the forefront of your mind?  Would you live a more hopeful life?  How can you live with this hope today?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord that you always hold true to your Word.  Thank you that you have created us all in your image and that we all can believe in you, receive your forgiveness, and have eternal life.  Remind us when we lose sight of what a precious gift this is.  Amen.

December 22

Scripture:  Luke 1:26-38

Devo:  God chose Mary to carry Jesus and give birth to His Son, the coming Savior of the world!  Put yourself in Mary’s shoes for a minute.  Can you imagine being Mary in that moment?  We can only imagine that she was feeling a whole array of things from fear, confusion, maybe a little excitement, and wondering why He chose her. 

Have you ever been chosen for something that you wondered why they picked you?  Maybe you thought you were too young or unqualified?  Maybe you were put in a position in which you did not feel worthy of? 

Mary was an ordinary girl, who likely did not view herself as anything special, but one of the most amazing things about God is that He often chooses the most ordinary people to fulfill His extraordinary plans!

Discussion:  Has God ever asked something of you that you did not feel equipped for?  How did you respond?  Today, think about how you can be ready and willing to do whatever God asks of you.  No matter your season of life, you can be used by God.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for choosing an ordinary girl like Mary to bring our savior into the world.  Thank you for showing us that no one is too young or insignificant to be used by you.  Help us to say yes to whatever you ask of us.  We love you.  Amen.

December 23

Scripture:  Luke 1:39-56

Devo:  Yesterday, we read about Mary learning that she was going to become pregnant and that the baby would be the Messiah, the savior of the world!  Today, we learned that Mary was joyful in her praises to the Lord and in telling Elizabeth what God had done.

Mary was thankful for this gift from the Lord.  She was excited that the Savior was finally coming and that she of all people was chosen to be the one to carry Him.  Others may have overlooked her, but not God.  God sees even when others don’t.  God takes notice of you, even when to the rest of the world you may feel invisible.  With that truth, we have reason to celebrate!

We celebrate what Christ has done for us and for the birth of our Savior.  We celebrate all that God is doing in and through us, in the big things and the small ones.  God chose Mary to fulfill His promise and He can choose each of us, no matter how insignificant we may feel, to fulfill His purpose, but we must be willing to say yes to His call.

Discussion:  What might the Lord be asking you to say yes to during this season?  How might we celebrate and worship with awe of who He is and what He has done for us?  Let us be ready and willing participants in the kingdom of God, just like Mary was.

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the amazing gift of your Son.  Thank you for equipping us for whatever you ask.  Help us to serve you with our lives this Christmas.  We love you.  Amen.

December 24

Scripture:  Matthew 1:18-25

Devo:  Think of a time where you were obedient about something that you absolutely did not want to do.  Can you think of a time you were asked to follow through on something you did not even understand the reason why?  Joseph was in a similar situation except with far greater responsibility than anything we can imagine. 

When the angel of the Lord spoke to Joseph, he knew the consequences he could face for his obedience.  He knew the repercussions and how it would look if he stayed with Mary.  In those days, this would have been frowned upon, but Joseph trusted God.  Joseph’s response to the angel was one of obedience in a difficult circumstance. 

Discussion:  How can we respond like Joseph when facing a tough situation?  How can we put our faith and trust in God in all circumstances?

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for Joseph’s obedience.  Thank You for your perfect plan.  Help us to have faith in You in all circumstances even when we do not understand. We love and trust you.  Amen.

December 25

Scripture:  Luke 2:1-23

Discussion:  Merry Christmas from BattleCreek Church!  Thank you for joining us throughout this advent season.  Our hope for you is that you and your family have been able to reflect on all that God has done and found moments of joy in celebrating Christ’s abundant love for us.  Today, as you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, remember to thank Him for the amazing gift of salvation! 

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to earth and the amazing gift of salvation! What a perfect gift! Help us to always remember the true meaning of Christmas and to keep the hope, joy, peace and love of the Christmas season throughout the coming year. Amen.